Monday, March 13, 2017


Cherry Ann Dela Cruz
I've learned a lot about ICT because it deals w/ the use of different communication and aside from that Philippines also known as ICT Hub of Asia. BPO means business processing out sourcing and according to the time magazines the selfiest cities around the world 2013 places two cities from the Philippines in the top10 spots. ICT is important to us in order to communicate other people it involves the technology and to know what is happening in our community or around the world. and web 2.0 dynamic web pages is a vital tool to our modern lives that is why it is also important to make the best of the internet and dynamic web pages the user is able to use a website like facebook , youtube . google or instagram.
Shiela Mae Diana
The Web2.0 it has a key features first is folksonomy allows users to categorize and classify information , Richuser experience a website that shows local content , User participation the owner of the website , Long Tail subscribing data plan , Software as a service to subscribe to a software last is Mass participation it diverse the information . Semantic web is a movement by the world wide web consortion W3C and the inventor of the (www) is Tim Bernes Lee , lee also noted that semantic web is a component for web 3.0 is the way in where we can research and process site or page easily and ICT also have trends it is important to know the trends in ICT because it help us to easily access in the website and we can get more information and we can use it to store or even save our files in a fast and accessible that’s all
Althea Marie Ejada
My reflection about in ICT is I learned a lot about how to make a power point and also I learned how to make a mail merge and I’m so thankful for that also how to edit a picture I’m so much enjoying about our activities like uploading a picture and FB AND IG and I'm so much happy learning new things about computer like power point hyperlink. I don't like ICT before but now I think I like it because it’s so much enjoy and challenging
Jhanielle Mharie Ramillano
                As part of what our teacher taught us, ICT or Information and Communication Technologies are any form of technology or communication devices that transmits mass communication just like radios, television and also cellular phones. ICT are also technologies which processes and gives information to its readers or listeners. Example for ICT in the Philippines are TV Channels such as ABS-CBN which is the one I frequently watch during my leisure. As I was taking my pre-test, I was not really familiar of the questions being asked by then. Though there were some words that are vaguely familiar, still it doesn’t help me on answering all the questions. Although there are some questions which are easy to answer. But when I was taking my post-test, I already knew what to answer because all of it was discussed by our teacher in ICT. Web 2.0 are the networks we use as of current times which describes the World Wide Web.
Angelu Lapinid
This web emphasizes user-generated content which means that each and everyone us have the capacity to interact and collaborate with each other. Some examples of this are twitter and facebook. One feature of web 2.0 is the rich experience which means that web 2.0 provides rich experience to the user just like google providing map and google suggest. One of the trends in ICT are the mobile learning which gives us knowledge and information about the current technology and the personalized learning which, nowadays, most learners do. They use the web to learn through researching insights which helps the process of studying even more convenient and may also provide a more learning environment. One of its trends are also gaming which is very common among the young ones because it provides social interaction. As we can currently see in the web, web 3.0 is about the hyperlink in almost all the websites that can be seen in the internet. This hyperlink helps us connect one information to another which made our researches more convenient to find and easier to process.
Krystal Kate Estillore
                In LAS #1, we have a pre-test we done and answer nos. 1-10 and it should be the topic is all about the Web Pages or a website. But and the next day we do part 2 of LAS #2 but before we study first for a minute so that we can answer the question given by our expert teacher. In LAS #2 it is entitled Information and Communication Technologies and ICT in the Philippines. I learned that ICT deals with the use of different communication technologies such as mobile phones, telephone, internet, etc. to locate, send and edit information. Also ICT in the Philippines is several International Companies club the Philippines as the “ICT Hub of Asia”.
Marianne Baritua

Also even if the past and present we need information and communication technologies to seek some information in the whole world. I also include that many of us using mobile phones and etc. to look for news and information. ICT industry shares 19.3% of the total employment population here in the Philippines. For example for that is in business such as call center they use telephone and internet to give an information. In LAS #3 talks about Informational and Communication Technologies in the community and that is ICT, Me and My Community. This involves you, the social media and your community.

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