Monday, March 27, 2017

Statistics And Probability Reflections

Angelu Lapinid
Statistics and probability is a branch of mathematics dealing with the collection. This subject teach us how to solve problems regarding in numbers and to measure how often a particular problem will solve.

Althea Marie Ejada
My reflection about math subject is so very challenging because of so many problems to solve but its so fun learning to solve maybe sometimes math is make my head (labad) but if you do your best to answer and if you ( kuha) the correct answer  its feel so bless that's all thank u

             Jhanielle Mharie Ramillano
Instruction that is designed to confront misconceptions should encourage students to test whether their beliefs coincide with those of others, whether they are consistent with their own beliefs about other related things, and whether their beliefs are born out with empirical evidence. Computers can be used to provide both an exploratory and representational aspect of the discipline. The role of teachers in this type of environment and the issue of whether students should use artificial or real data sets should be considered.

             Krystal Kate Estillore
Probability and statistics are viewed as necessary for all students no matter their ambitions. However, there are barriers to the effective teaching of both stochastics and problem solving getting stochastics into the mainstream of the mathematical science school curriculum; enhancing teachers' background and conceptions of probability and statistics; confronting students' and teachers' beliefs about probability and statistics. The conclusion emerging from this research is that probability concepts can and should be introduced into the school at an early age.

             Marianne Baritua
In statistics and probability subject I am very thankful because I learned in every lesson in this subject. Sometimes it is very hard but I tried my best to understand the lesson but sometimes there are lesson that is easy for me that’s why I can answer the exercises in our activity. Our teacher in this subject is very joker and we are very thankful when she enter our classroom.

             Shiela Mae Diana
In statistics and probability ive a learned a lot of things most especially in learning a formula that will serve as our basis to solve the equation properly. Although somehow it really make us hard to answer sometimes in the end we can still achieve the right answer because of understanding well the problem.In daily livea we use mathematics everyday and this subjects really helps us interms of education. 

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