Monday, March 27, 2017

Social Science Reflections

Angelu Lapinid
Social science is a particular area of study that relates to human behavior and society. Teach us how to deal with different attitude of a human being and deals with the institutions of human society and with the relationships of individuals.

Althea Marie Ejada
My reflection about social science  is I learned  Sigmund Freud theories that a child have a stage to be counter the oral stage and a learned the meaning of id super ego and ego the three very important parts we have to learn and I so much happy to know that that's all hahah

           Cherry Ann Dela Cruz
Social Science it talks about the anthropology, history, linguistics, economics. Geography. Political science and archeology it deals with the study of the past or analyses human behavior while pure science for me it talks about the reality which is adapt by human, pure science is usally culture and world views.

            Jhanielle Mharie Ramillano
Social Science made me understand that our behavior has an explanation. It made me understand the people around me. Social Science also develop my skills in expressing my thoughts and ideas.

            Krystal Kate Estillore
Social science is a branch of science that deals with the institutions and functioning of human society and with the interpersonal relationships of individuals as members of society and a science (as economics or political science) dealing with a particular phase or aspect of human society.

             Marianne Baritua
In social science subject it is all about the values of the person and where he belongs. It helps us in our daily life, I learn a lot in this subject specifically in the Id, Ego and Superego lesson, because it is related in our daily lives, that’s why this subject help us to know what is good or bad and what are the limitations of the person. I’m very thankful in this kind of subject and the teacher who give her best in teaching us.

            Shiela Mae Diana
In social science ive learned that every part of the society works together to be as one . Evry individual has a role that has different characteristics and abilities. Ive learned the different theories that will surely gives us knowledge about ourselves and to the society.

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